
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Panther Powers Part 1: History of the Heart Shaped Herb

[This is Part 1 of a multiple post series going over the details and intricacies of the multiple sources of superpowers in Wakanda and how they have changed over the years. 

In Part 1, we start with one of the most recognizable aspects of the Black Panther mythos: The Heart Shaped Herb]

The sacred Heart Shaped Herb (HSH) has been apart of the Black Panther mythos since it was first mentioned in his second appearance in Fantastic Four #53 and first visualized in Avengers, vol 1 #87. It is essentially Black Panther's "super soldier serum," as it provides the Black Panther many powers, including enhanced speed, quickness, strength, and senses.

Fantastic 4 #53
But that is HSH 101, just the basics you can find in any rudimentary Google search that will point you to a poorly researched article. Let's dive a bit deeper into this mysterious plant and all of its comic appearances to get a better idea of what it is and what it actually does.

Physical Appearance

The HSH has been depicted in numerous ways and its depiction has evolved over the years.

It was classically depicted as a leafy, green, heart-shaped plant that was eaten raw.

Avengers, vol #87
This same plant was then later used to create of poultice/goop that was placed on the skin rather than eaten during McGregor's various runs.

Panther's Prey #2
In Priest's popular run, it was depicted as more of a root or tuber and was once again just eaten raw. 

Priest #5
Priest #24
It was switched back to the classical look once again under Hudlin's pen and once again eaten raw rather than absorbed poultice form.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2

Deadliest of the Species #3


The HSH is found only in Wakanda, at the outer regions of the country. It is typically portrayed to be on the "Great Plateau" or on some sort of mountain. It is apparently in a place that is hard to get to and requires rigorous physical conditioning to reach. In fact, it took T'challa six days to find the HSH and he was nearly dead when he got there. In its latest iterations, the HSH was guarded by a pride of Panthers as well. The HSH has been stated to blossom annually.

Panther's Prey #3

Panther's Prey #2
Avengers, vol 1 #87

Avengers, vol 1 #87
Priest #60
Deadliest of the Species #3
Deadliest of the Species #3

Who can ingest it?

The only person allowed to ingest the HSH is the chieftain, the Black Panther of Wakanda. It has been shown on multiple occasions to be heavily protected by the tribal elders and considered sacred. In fact, in Panther's Prey, the poultice was sneaked out of Wakanda to scientists and it was implied the chief herbalist Mendinao would whoop that persons's ass and expel them from the Rites if he found out who it was. Killmonger mentioned the Tribal Council cared about the true HSH, and not about his synthetic version.

Panther's Prey #3

Priest #61
To become chieftain, one must inherit the opportunity through death of the previous Black Panther or defeat the current Black Panther in a Tribal Challenge or at the annual tournament, and then complete the Rites of Ascension. This will be covered in more detail in a future segment of this series.

While anyone that completes the Rites can ingest the HSH, it has been stated on panel that it is potentially toxic outside the Line of Bashenga. It has also been stated that those who are unworthy of the herb could be devoured by Bast herself. We will go into much more detail about both claims in later segments of this series.

There have been two notable exceptions to Rite of Ascension and Tribal Tournaments. A minor Wakandan warrior named Zawadi of Monster Hunter fame has apparently taken the HSH, although I cannot find on panel supporting that fact. Peter Parker is the most notable exception, as he took the HSH during a story penned by Hudlin in which he was dying and T'challa gave him the HSH to try and save him.

The Monster Hunters in Marvel Universe

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2

What does it do?

Enhanced Strength, Speed, Agility, and Senses: These are the prototypical Panther powers and in fact, in the beginning, they basically said it gave you the "strength and agility of the Great Cat.". You can find specific, high-end feats demonstrating these abilities HERE.

Avengers, vol 1 #87

Priest #5
Priest #24

Klaws of the Panther #1

Increased Durability and Healing: One of the lesser known powers the Black Panther possess is increased durability and healing. McGregor loved to take advantage of that fact but routinely having the crud beat out of T'challa in his stories, only for T'challa to bounce back quickly. But this aspect was established well before Panther's Rage in T'challa's first origin story. You can find specific, high-end feats demonstrating these abilities HERE.

Avengers, vol 1 #87
Panther's Prey #1
Panther's Prey #2

Connection to the Panther God: The Black Panthers connection to the Panther God Bast was established way back in Gillis's limited series, where T'challa lost his powers when the Panther Spirit abandoned him. McGregor in Panther's Prey mentioned T'challa's physical prowess was in fact due to his spiritual strength. Priest established that connection once more during The Client, as T'challa used this connection to the Panther God and all the previous Black Panther spirits to trick and defeat Mephisto. Hudlin took this connection and added to it, showing that the HSH puts you in direct contact with Bast herself to have your worthiness to become the Black Panther judged.

Gillis #1
Panthers Prey #3
Priest #5
Deadliest of the Species #4

How does it work?

McGregor went into some insane detail on how the HSH actually works instead of just going "because comic books." In Panther's Prey #3, he produced the following quote on how the HSH works. I would post the scan, but it is much more simple and efficient to type it out:

“The poultice stimulated and accentuated the human being’s kinesthetic sense. The kinesthetic sense is the subliminal perception that allows human beings to close their eyes, yet know where the different parts of their bodies are. If you didn’t have this sense, you couldn’t pick your nose or wash your hair if your eyes weren’t open. 

The poultice, plus the stimuli of rigorous theological and physical training, heightened your kinesthetic sense. It heightens the proprioceptors and perceptions in your body. That is how you sense where a tree limb or a building edge is, know exactly where it is and never have a moment’s doubt that your fingers will close about 

The sacred anointment poultice has a second effect on your muscles and ligaments, specifically on the joints where bones connect and swivel, mesh and respond. There are receptors in these joints called the Pacinian corpuscles that carry the signal to the brain to fulfill proper movement. Somehow the poultice is absorbed into those receptors and makes them especially sensitive…This is what enables you to twist and dodge with unparalleled grace.”

T'challa had a simpler explanation for his powers. He stated that the HSH increased his spiritual strength which enhanced his physical strength. Although I doubt it was his intention, but McGregor may have actually hinted Bast's role with that quote.

Panthers Prey #3
However, things have changed through the years, as Bast has been shown more explicitly to be the true source of the Black Panther powers while the HSH nearly acts as a gateway to request her blessing. This was shown way back in Gillis mini series, in Deadliest of the Species, and with T'challa's King of the Dead powers. This will be touched on in a future installment in more detail.

Deadliest of the Species #4
In the next installment of this series, we are going to go dive deeper in Bast, the Panther God, and her involvement with the Panther Powers.

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