
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

October 2016 Comic Sale Report

Black Panther #7, featuring The Crew:


I think me and many others thought there would be more of a boost with the appearance by the Crew, particularly from Storm fans but, as usual, Storm fans never support Storm when she isn't with other X-Men I guess.

Anyway, any sales increase this far in the game is a good thing.

Here is a look at T'challa complete solo book history...

The only two books that sold more than #7 are the Storm marriage issue and a random issue post Civil War.

The Ultimates #12, featuring lots of talking:


Not really sure what else can be said about the Ultimates. Ewing is a fan favorite but not a sales favorte. But htis book stayed above the cancellation line for a year and now will be getting relaunched so, we will hope for the best.

Really wish T'challa was on Avengers proper though.

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